Given the unsustainable situation that the Spanish agricultural sector is suffering with continuous demonstrations during the last dates of our farmers and that have been echoed internationally, the School of Engineering of the University of Almeria, a center where Agronomy professionals such as Agronomists and Graduates in Agricultural Engineering are trained, wishes to disseminate the following manifesto for information and knowledge of society.
All people have the right to access healthy and nutritious food at reasonable prices for producers and consumers. In addition, the production sector systematically applies good agricultural practices through quality standards implemented in the field, hygienic harvesting procedures, worker training plans, occupational risk prevention programs, technical advice in cooperatives, sampling planning and the establishment of well-defined intervention criteria, among others.
Spain has been considered the Vegetable Garden of Europe and the Mediterranean Diet based on the consumption of fruits and vegetables has been, for centuries, synonymous with a healthy, safe and wholesome diet. Agricultural production is interwoven into our socioeconomic fabric, providing a high percentage of non-locatable employment that contributes to rooting rural populations.
For all these reasons, taking into account the direct knowledge of the sector and being aware of its position, the School of Engineering ratifies its support and commitment to Spanish agriculture, confirming its conviction that the work carried out in the field and livestock guarantee a healthy and wholesome consumption, with the endorsement of the work well done and the value of the effort carried out by our primary sector.
Finally, given the scope of these events, we express our unconditional support for the Spanish production sector and hope that the competent authorities will resolve their problems as quickly as possible.
Rosa Mª Ayala Palenzuela
Director School of Engineering. University of Almeria