The first line of research is water use, water relations and irrigation scheduling in horticultural crops. The second corresponds to the use of nitrogen in horticultural greenhouse crops and the contamination of aquifers with nitrates.
Thirdly, the environmental impact of intensive production in Mediterranean greenhouses. Also, the study of the oxygenation of the rhizosphere in soilless and sanded crops of the Mediterranean coast. Also, climate control in greenhouses. Finally, the production of horticultural crops under netting in inland areas.
As for the technological offer, they have a laboratory for inorganic nitrogen analysis in soil, water and plant samples. They also perform nitrogen gas analysis. They also determine the installation, use and interpretation of sensors for measuring soil moisture and plant water status. Another service corresponds to the instrumentation and use of oxygenation characterization equipment in the rhizosphere of crops. Finally, they provide climatic instrumentation services.
Human Resources
Luisa Gallardo Pino
Professor of Plant Production in the Department of Agronomy at the University of Almeria. Her teaching activity is focused on irrigation scheduling in greenhouse horticultural crops and crop modeling with applications for water and N management; most of her teaching is at Master level.
His research activity is focused on crop modeling and optimization of water and N management in greenhouse horticultural crops in southeastern Spain. He did his PhD at the University of Cordoba, on the agronomic development and water relations of the new cereal tritodeum. Subsequently, she did a 2-year postdoctoral stay at CSIRO, Perth, Australia, on root signals in response to drought in legumes and cereals, and then spent three years under contract at the University of California-Davis, where she worked on irrigation scheduling and modeling of lettuce. Currently, in addition to teaching and research, she also has administrative responsibilities in the master's and research committees at UAL.
Group members
- Bonachela Castaño, Santiago
University professor - Fernández Fernández, Mª Dolores
Researcher - Giménez Padilla, Carmen
Researcher - Granados García, Maria Rosa
Researcher - Hernandez Rodriguez, Joaquin
Full university professor
- López Hernández, Juan Carlos
Researcher - Magán Cañadas, Juan José
Researcher - Padilla Ruiz, Francisco Manuel
Researcher - Peña Fleitas, Maria Teresa
Researcher - Thompson , Rodney
University professor