The experiments carried out at the Experimental Farm facilities can be grouped into the following research and development groups or lines:
- Pesticide residue control.
- Studies of molecular marker techniques applied to the quality control of horticultural seeds, flowering and fruiting processes of tomato.
- Characterization of symptomatologies to selected soil and aerial pathogens in tomato and bean.
- Biodisinfection of greenhouse soil for nematode control.
- Study of new varieties of interest for southeastern Spain.
- Analysis of new ventilation surface designs.
- Study and evaluation of phytosanitary product application techniques.
- Evaluation of biodisinfectant power in greenhouse soil and its impact on tomato production.
- Monitoring with proximal optical sensors and agronomic techniques to optimize N management and yield of bell pepper.
- Influence of early sexing of papaya plants on yield and fruit quality in greenhouse cultivation.
- Field data collection and analysis for decision making on water consumption, desalinated and from wells, for bell pepper and zucchini crops.
- Study and evaluation of environmental parameters affecting workers in scrape and blast greenhouses.