It has been published during the day 27/06/2023 in the Public Sector Procurement Platform the tender, with File number 06/2023, regarding the Contract for containerization services, collection and transportation of waste generated in the Farm located in the Paraje ''Los Goterones'', which manages the Experimental Farm Foundation UAL ANECOOP, whose information is as follows:
Contracting Authority: Management of the Experimental Farm Foundation, University of Almeria-Anecoop
Bidding Status: Published
Object of the contract: Containerization, collection and transportation services contract for waste generated at the farm located in the ''Los Goterones'' area, managed by the UAL ANECOOP Experimental Farm Foundation.
Base bidding budget excluding taxes: 27.152,14 €
Estimated value of the contract: 48.873,85 €
Type of Contract: Private
Deadline for submission of bids: 18/07/2023
CPV Code:
44613800-Waste containers, 90511100-Solid urban waste collection services, 90512000-Waste transport services, 90512000-Waste transport services, 44613800-Waste containers, 90511100-Solid urban waste collection services, 90512000-Waste transport services.
Contracting procedureSimplified open
Link to the bidding process: