Last Thursday, February 23, Pedro Antonio Díaz Fúnez, a professor from the University of Almería, visited us, together with other professors from the University of Coímbra (Portugal) and the University of Salamanca, who showed their interest in seeing the facilities of the Experimental Farm.
Visit of the technicians of the Hortamar cooperative.
Last Friday, January 13, we were visited by technicians from the agricultural cooperative Hortamar, showing their interest in tomato cultivation. From the Experimental Farm Ual Anecoop we are very happy with your visits. You already know that we are here for whatever you need, as always with spirit and vocation of service to the community [...]
Visit of the students of the Master in Mediterranean Horticulture under greenhouse of the UAL
Last Friday, January 13, we were visited by the students of the Master in Mediterranean Horticulture under Greenhouse of the University of Almeria, who showed their interest in seeing the facilities of the Experimental Farm. Those responsible for the visit have been the professors of the University of Almeria Fernando José Diánez Martínez and Patricia [...]
Visit of the students of the Master in Circular Bioeconomy and Sustainability of the University of Almeria.
Last Monday, December 19, we were visited by the students of the Master in Circular Bioeconomy and Sustainability of the University of Almeria. The purpose of the visit was to see the operation and the tests carried out in the greenhouses of the Experimental Farm. The person in charge of the visit was Diego Luis Valera Martínez, professor of [...]
Visit of the Calama Technology Tour made up of professionals, technicians and farmers from Iquique and Calama (Chile).
Yesterday, Tuesday, December 13, we received the visit of the Calama Technology Tour formed by professionals, technicians and farmers from Iquique and Calama (Chile). The participants of the tour correspond mostly to two agricultural organizations from the city of Calama, which participate in the project financed by the Regional Government of Antofagasta [...]
Visit of the National School of Agriculture of the Government of El Salvador
Yesterday, Tuesday, December 13, we received a visit from the National School of Agriculture of the Government of El Salvador. The purpose of the visit was to see the operation and the tests carried out in the greenhouses of the Experimental Farm. The person in charge of the visit was the professor of the University of Almeria, Francisco Camacho [...]
Visit of students from the University of Évora, Portugal
Last Thursday, December 1st, we were visited by students from the University of Évora, Portugal. The purpose of the visit was to see the operation and the tests carried out in the greenhouses of the Experimental Farm. The responsible for the visit were the professor of the University of Évora Fátima Baptista and the postdoctoral researcher [...]
Visit of the students of the Agricultural Engineering Degree UAL
Last Saturday, November 19, we were visited by students of the Agricultural Engineering Degree of the University of Almeria, within the subject of Production and Protection of Horticultural Crops. The purpose of the visit was to see the operation and the tests carried out in the greenhouses of the Experimental Farm. Francisco Camacho Ferre, professor at the University of Almeria, was in charge of the visit.
Visit of the students of the Agricultural Engineering Degree of the University of Seville.
Last Friday, November 25, we were visited by students of the Agricultural Engineering Degree of the University of Seville. The purpose of the visit was to see the operation and the tests carried out in the greenhouses of the Experimental Farm. The person in charge of the visit was the UAL professor Miguel Urrestarazu Gavilán.