El pasado 20 de septiembre recibimos la visita técnica de la empresa agrotravel. Agrotravel es una empresa especializada en la organización de viajes técnicos para el sector agroindustrial en Brasil. Participaron en la visita 7 personas para conocer las tecnologías de cultivo, gestión y uso del agua y seguridad alimentaria.
Visit of UAL Professor Francisco Camacho Ferre and Dr. Javier Castellanos
El pasado 17 de septiembre recibimos las visitas del Catedrático de la UAL, Francisco Camacho Ferre y el Doctor Javier Castellanos. D. Francisco Camacho Ferre es Catedrático en producción vegetal por la Universidad de Almería El Dr. Javier Castellanos es fundador del Grupo Intagri, la mayor compañía de capacitación agrícola en México que ha diversificado […]
Visit of Prof. Miguel Ángel Mañas and researchers from the University of Coimbra
On September 18 we received the visit of Professor Miguel Ángel Mañas and researchers from the University of Coimbra. Mr. Miguel Ángel Mañas is professor at the Ual and researcher in Psychology of work, organizations and human resources in Almeria. Accompanying him are the professors and researchers from the University of Coimbra (Portugal), Clara Cruz [...]
Visit to the Hami-melon Research Center's Researcher's Farm
Last Wednesday, September 4, we received the visit of researchers from Hami-melon Research Center, Xinjiang Academic of Agricultural Science, China. The objectives of the visit were to examine fertigation and automatic irrigation systems for horticultural crops, to see different crops and types of greenhouses, and to learn about the advances in greenhouse digitalization in China.
Nutricrop and Biopreparáty
Last Thursday, July 19, we received the visit of the companies Nutricrop and Biopreparáty. The reason for the visit was the exchange of knowledge and experiences, and possible collaboration in the field of biopreparations, based on the approach of sustainable agriculture.
Visit of Erasmus+Blended intensive programs (BIP) students
Last Friday, July 5, we were visited by students of the Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programs (BIP) called "Digital transformation of agribusinesses", coordinated by Antonio Fernández Martínez, professor at the University of Almería in the area of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence. This course is organized by the Rector's Delegation for [...]
Meeting of the research group AGR198 - Rural Engineering
Last Monday, June 10, we had the meeting of the research group AGR198 - Rural Engineering (https://www.ual.es/investigacion/investiga/grupos/area/grupo/AGR/AGR198). The reason for the visit was to disseminate their research projects and to see their trials.
Visit by MEP Lina Gálvez and several members of Congress
Last Monday, May 20, we were visited by the MEP Lina Gálvez and several members of Congress. The purpose of the visit was to learn about the advances in digitization of greenhouses in a research station. In addition, we received an explanation from the startup agritech Robonity (http://robonity.com/), about its technology for integrated agricultural management, which includes [...]
Visit of researchers from Hebei Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Science, Shijiazhuang, China
Last Saturday, May 25, we were visited by researchers from the Hebei Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Science, Shijiazhuang, China (https://www.hebnky.com/en/). The objectives of the visit were to examine fertigation and automatic irrigation systems for horticultural crops, to see different crops and types of greenhouses, and to learn about the advances in greenhouse digitalization in a greenhouse station.